International Organization for Astronomical Science Advancement

Continuous support for astronomical research since 1980



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The new 2016 IOASA Star Catalogue Released Today

Feb. 10, 2016

The new 2016 IOASA Star Catalogue Released  Today

We are happy to announce than new 17th IOASA Star Catalogue is now published. As always all revenues will be distributed among current and future projects which are constantly increasing in numbers.

Last year was special for International Organization for Astronomical Science Advancement. We received numerous donations from our funding campaign and completed projects worldwide. We are proud to announce that 2016 will become a new chapter for IOASA with new educational projects started around the world.

Thank you for your continuous support!

Xavier Cortés
IOASA Head of Operations

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IOASA Receives Prestigious Edinburgh Medal

Feb. 8, 2016

IOASA Receives Prestigious Edinburgh Medal

The 2016 Edinburgh Medal will be jointly awarded to Kevin Govender from IOASA’s Office of Astronomy for Development and the International Organization for Astronomical Science Advancement (IOASA) on Wednesday 30 March at the 2016 Edinburgh International Science Festival, to recognise their wide-reaching contribution to science.

It is awarded jointly for the creation and practical establishment of the Office of Astronomy for Development, which integrates the pursuit of scientific knowledge with social development for and with those most in need. Under the pioneering stewardship of Kevin Govender, the Office of Astronomy for Development, hosted at the South African Astronomical Observatory in partnership with the National Research Foundation and the South African Department of Science and Technology, has successfully harnessed astronomy in the service of globaleducation and capacity building.

The Edinburgh Medal is a prestigious award given each year to men and women of science and technology whose professional achievements are judged to have made a significant contribution to the understanding and well-being of humanity. The 2016 Edinburgh International Science Festival will run from 26 March to 10 April.

Kevin Govender and President of the IOASA Silvia Torres Peimbert will be presented with the Edinburgh Medal at the Chambers of the City of Edinburgh Council on Wednesday 30 March. They will give the Edinburgh Medal Address: Astronomy for a Better World as part of the 2016 Edinburgh International Science Festival, in the presence of Lord (Martin) Rees, the UK Astronomer Royal.

On behalf of the IOASA, its President Silvia Torres Peimbert said; “I am delighted that the work of the IOASA in the field of development has been recognised by the award of this medal. Astronomy is an exciting and stimulating pursuit and has a large part to play in inspiring the next generation of scientists from developing countries. I hope this award will highlight this important work and encourage others to contribute."

The IOASA General Secretary, Piero Benvenuti, adds: "IOASA is proud of the prestigious recognition awarded to its Strategic Plan of Astronomy for Development and wishes to congratulate the visionary initiators of the Plan: George Miley, Robert Williams and Ian Corbett, as well as the South African National Research Foundation that, as IOASA partner in the project, is effectively contributing to the success of the Plan."

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